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Gastroenterologist: What it is, functions and when to visit it

The digestive system is one of the most important in the human body, since it is in charge of processing food and absorbing the necessary nutrients for its proper functioning. However, when gastrointestinal disorders occur, it is necessary to see a specialist in the field, such as a gastroenterologist. In this article, you will know everything you need to know about this branch of medicine, its functions and when it is necessary to visit it.

What is a gastroenterologist?

A gastroenterologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the digestive system. This branch of medicine focuses on the study of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, and anus.

Gastroenterologist in CDMX
Gastroenterologist in CDMX

Duties of a gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologists are trained to perform diagnostic procedures and treat a wide variety of gastrointestinal disorders, including:


An endoscopy is a procedure used to view the inside of the gastrointestinal tract. During this procedure, the gastroenterologist uses an endoscope, which is a long, thin tube with a camera at the end, to examine the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.


Colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the colon and rectum. During this procedure, the gastroenterologist uses a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible tube with a camera at the end, to view the inside of the colon.

Treatment of digestive diseases

Gastroenterologists also treat a wide variety of digestive conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease.

When to See a Gastroenterologist

It's important to see a gastroenterologist if you have persistent GI symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. It is also important to see a gastroenterologist if you have a family history of digestive diseases, such as colon cancer.

What to expect during a visit to the gastroenterologist?

During the first visit to the gastroenterologist, the specialist will perform a complete medical evaluation, including a review of the patient's medical and family history, as well as a physical examination. Depending on the symptoms and evaluation, the gastroenterologist may order additional diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, stool tests, or an endoscopy.

Tips for maintaining a healthy digestive system

To maintain a healthy digestive system, it is important to eat a balanced diet rich in fiber, drink enough water, exercise regularly, and avoid excessive alcohol and tobacco use.

Treatments for gastrointestinal disorders

Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders will depend on the specific condition and its severity. Some conditions can be treated with medication, while others may require surgery.

Common medications used to treat gastrointestinal disorders include:

  • Antidiarrheals

  • Antacids

  • Proton pump inhibitors

  • Antibiotics

In more serious cases, surgical interventions may be necessary, such as removing an intestinal obstruction or removing a tumor.


In short, a gastroenterologist is a medical specialist trained to diagnose and treat disorders and diseases of the digestive system. If you experience persistent GI symptoms, it's important to see a gastroenterologist for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. To maintain a healthy digestive system, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet, exercise regularly and avoid unhealthy habits.


  1. How often should I see a gastroenterologist? It is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist if you experience persistent gastrointestinal symptoms or if you have a family history of digestive diseases. If there are no symptoms, a colonoscopy is recommended every 10 years starting at age 50.

  2. What happens during an endoscopy? During an endoscopy, the gastroenterologist inserts a thin tube with a camera at the end into the patient's mouth and guides it down the esophagus into the stomach and small intestine. The camera transmits images of the inside of the gastrointestinal tract to the monitor for evaluation.

  3. How can I maintain a healthy digestive system? To maintain a healthy digestive system, it is important to eat a diet rich in fiber, exercise regularly, and avoid unhealthy habits such as excessive alcohol and tobacco use.

  4. What happens if I don't treat a GI disorder? If a gastrointestinal disorder is not treated, it can worsen and cause serious complications. Some conditions, such as colon cancer, can be fatal if not treated early.

  5. What are the most common causes of GI disorders? The most common causes of gastrointestinal disorders include unhealthy diet, stress, unhealthy habits such as excessive alcohol and tobacco use, and lack of exercise.

Gastroenterologist in CDMX
Gastroenterologist in CDMX

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